Kevin Smith Can ‘Catch And Release’ Me Any Day….

So Friday night i drank a bunch of Mountain Dew and went to the movies with my friend Miss Patty. And why do you ask I traded in precious sleep time to go see a movie? KEVIN SMITH in ‘Catch & Release.’ Well, one I didn’t have to worry about a sitter because there was no way in hell da husband was going to go see a chick flick even if Kevin Smith was in it. And two, I have this thing for Kevin Smith. There was a 9:50pm showing and I somehow stayed awake.
So Kevin Smith made the movie. He played himself. The movie would have been long and drawn out without him being him. His wardrobe looked like his every day closet.

However, Jerry Bruckheimer must have been on the consultant on the film because they had the annoying split screening/blurring screening for the sex scene. Ok, I know Jennifer Gardner was pregnant during the film, but they didn’t need the kaleidescope effects.

So, all in all it was worth the loss of sleep.

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