Category Archives: Stupid Quiz’s
Stupid Quiz – World’s Smallest Political Quiz
It has been awhile since we’ve had a stupid Quiz. This one is for you Evil Bastard – World’s Smallest Political Quiz I came up as a Centrist.
It’s been a long time since a stupid quiz was posted
So, here’s one for your enjoyment. Which political stereotype are you? Communist – You believe that private propertyshould be abolished, and all power should bevested in a large, all pervasive state. Yourhistorical role model is Joseph Stalin. Which political sterotype … Continue reading
Stupid Quiz – Dog toy or Marital Aid?
Take the Quiz here, I got 11/14 on the easy round.
Name that book!
Based on character names given, name the Book from whence they came.
Stupid Quiz – How Grammatically sound are you?
You are a GRAMMAR GOD! If your mission in life is not already to preserve the English tongue, it should be. Congratulations and thank you! How grammatically sound are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Are Americans stupid?
Here’s a quiz to determine whether Americans are stupider then the rest of the world. Link Right now, the answer appears to be yes.
Stupid Quiz – what is your digital IQ?
where 110 is geek, I scored 205.
Stupid Quiz – Which member of the Bush administration are you?
You’re Karl Rove! You’re the de facto leaderof this great nation, also serving as godfatherof the family Bush. Which member of the Bush Administration are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Real or fake breasts?
I scored 9/12 on the real or fake breast site. Can you do any better?
Stupid Quiz – Which 80s song are you?
“You Shook Me All Night Long” (by AC/DC) ‘Cause the walls start shaking The earth was quaking My mind was aching And we were making it and you – Shook me all night long. Which 80’s Song Fits You? brought … Continue reading