Analysis: Dual-Core Snapdragon and Netbooks from Qualcomm | UMPCPortal – The Mobile Internet and Computing Reference Site

First of all a little background about Qualcomm’s Snapdragon. Its a small-form-factor, mobile computing platform (think of it as a ready-to-use computer on a tiny motherboard a bit like the image you see below-right.) that includes a CPU core which is based on a licensed ARMv7 architecture. ARMV7 is the architecture used in the ARM A8 Cortex CPU design that you can now find in the new Archos devices, the Open Pandora and BeagleBoard (image below-right) projects. Snapdragon has been a four year, $350 million project. It’s not clear how many snapdragon versions there are but the one that CNet are talking about is the new dual-core QSD8672 capable of clock speeds up to 1.5Ghz. The platform also includes the following features: (Details from Qualcomm.)

via Analysis: Dual-Core Snapdragon and Netbooks from Qualcomm | UMPCPortal – The Mobile Internet and Computing Reference Site.

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